Vendor: Dar As Sunnah PublicationsThe Benefits Of Fearing Allah 19B Fearing Allah is the shield for us and our families in this life, for whoever fears Allah then he is protected. It is from amongst the best provisions for a believer, benefiting him in this world, easing his...
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Vendor: Dar As Sunnah PublicationsThe Creed of Al-Wasitiyyah 19B A textbook on orthodox Sunni creed The Creed of Al-Wasitiyyah by Shaykuhl- Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (661-728 AH) being a translation of al-Aqidah al-Wasitiyyah Written in response to a request from a Shafi Judge from Wasit, Iraq, Ibn Taymiyyah penned...
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Vendor: Dar As Sunnah PublicationsPreventative measures against Shaytan 19B Indeed It is only Shaytan that suggests to you the fear of his helpers, so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers. Surah Al-'Imran 3:175} When Shaytan inflicts a person with his touch it is...
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Vendor: Dar As Sunnah PublicationsDeveloping Khushu In The Prayer SL: 000000 Prayer is the greatest of the practical pillars of Islam, and khushu in the prayer is required by share'ah. One of the shaytan's most significant plots and became to divert people from prayer by all possible means...
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Vendor: Dar As Sunnah PublicationsWeakness of Iman SL:19B Its Signs of Weakness, Causes and cure The phenomenon of weak Iman has become very widespread among Muslims, and many people complain about the hardness of their hearts. So often we hear the words, 'I feel hardness in my heart,'...
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Vendor: Dar As Sunnah PublicationsThe Dajjal and the return of Jesus SL:19B The Prophet said "There has been no afflication, nor will be until the hour establishes, greater than that of the Dajjal" The emergence of the Dajjel will be the greatest afflicion ever faced by mankind, from...
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Vendor: Goodword BooksMore Quran Stories For Kids SL: 02DL2 A Treasury of Stories from the Quran – for the very young. These are some of the best-loved tales from the Quran. Especially chosen for the very young, they provide a foundation on which to build a...
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Vendor: Dar As Sunnah PublicationsThe Light Of The Quran 19B The Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, passed by a person reciting Surah Al
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Vendor: Goodword BooksMy Quran Friends Story Book SL: 02DL2 Learning with Friends from the Quran and Today My Quran Friends Storybook has sixty stories from the lives of the Prophets for today's children, highlighting the Islamic teachings and virtues. This book encourages children to read Allah's...
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Vendor: Goodword BooksQuran And Seerah Stories SL: 02DL2 These are some of the best loved tales from the Quran and from the life of the Prophet Muhammad. Especially chosen for the very young, they provide a foundation on which to build a growing knowledge of the...
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Vendor: Dar As Sunnah PublicationsDisciplining The Soul 19B Know that all the facets of mankind's disposition are for their benefit - either directly such as the desire for food, or indirectly by preventing harm, such as the capacity for anger. However, when these natural impulses are not moderated...
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Vendor: Dar As Sunnah PublicationsThe correct Islamic Aqidah & that which opposes it 19B The correct 'aqeedah is the foundation of Islaam and the foundation stone of the Islamic nation. It is known through evidences of the sharee'ah from the Book and the Sunnah, that one's actions and...
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Vendor: Dar Al-Kotob Al-Ilmiyahشرح: كتاب في علوم الحديث ينصرف موضوعه إلى شرح كتاب نخبة الفكر في مصطلح أهل الاثر تعد من أجمع وأحسن ما كتب حول مصطلح الحديث والأثر وقد لاقي عناية كبيرة لدى العلماء
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Vendor: Dar Al-Kotob Al-Ilmiyahشرح: قطر الندى وبل الصدى كتاب في النحو العربي، وبعد أن وضعه ابن هشام رأى أن يشرحه شرحا وافيا ويرفع عنه الحجاب ويكشف النقاب، ويكمل الشواهد اللغوية، ويتمم الفوائد ويزيد في إيضاح المسائل النحوية ويبسط القول فيها، ويبين آراء العلماء النحويين . وعلى هذه...
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Vendor: Darussalam UKInvocations from the Qur'an & Sunnah. Translation of Hisnul-Muslim. (aka 'Citadel of the Believer') This is a very beautiful booklet consists of many authentic Dua's (supplications) for a Muslim to supplicate on a daily basis and on special occasions. Author's Note: This book is...
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Vendor: Dar As Sunnah PublicationsThe Foundation Of Islam 19B This is an important collection of writings by Shaykh Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahhab al the dealing with essential components of Muslim belief and identity. The book is an invaluable addition to the Muslim bookshelf. The first is the outstanding...
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Vendor: Goodword BooksQuran Stories For Young Readers SL: 02DL2 Search for Kindness is a fascinating yet simple tale of a child's hunt for kindness. His search leads him to discover that kindness resides in our hearts and only for as long as we keep showing it...
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Vendor: Dar Al-Kotob Al-Ilmiyahشرح: جوهرة التوحيد" أرجوزة نظمها اللقاني من 144 بيتا في مقدمة وإلهيات ونبوات وسمعيات وقد شرحها الشيخ إبراهيم البيجوري شيخ الجامع الأزهر سابقا، وهو يبدأ بالكلام على الإعراب والبلاغة ثم يشرح البيت ويبين أقوال العلماء في المسألة مع الإشارة إلى أقوال الفرق السابقة ومناقشة...
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