Vendor: Salafi PublicationsA History Of The Ahlul-Hadeeth A Study Of The Saved Sect And That It Is The People Of Hadeeth SL: 02AL1 Indeed Allah, the Most Perfect, has favored this Ummah with the chain of narration as a distinguishing mark. He has specified this for...
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsThis book has been carefully compiled to help families organise funerals in accordance to the Sunnah of the noble Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings from Allah be upon him). It is a simple (and illustrated) guide filled with authentic references. It guides you through...
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsAn Advice To The salafis Living In The West 0000 With 16 million Muslims living in the European Union, (53 million in Europe as a whole), and 7.5 million in the USA & Canada, it is important that the Salafis are well-acquainted with what...
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsAn Explanation of Soorah al-Kawthar SL: 02AL1 The great Imaam and scholar, Ibn Katheer, said about his teacher Ibn Taymiyyah, "And the least he would do when he heard something was to memorise it, and then engage himself in learning in it. He was...
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsFoundations of the Sunnah SL: 02AL1 A collection of 3 treatises of the great Imam, with full Arabic text included. The book is complemented with extensive footnotes and 11 appendices - making it a valuable item for any English speaking student of Islaam. Also...
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsFrom the Best of Mankind SL: 02AL1 The Lives of two great Companions of the Prophet, Mu'aadh bin Jabal and Abdullaah bin 'Umar. Biographies taken from the works of: Imaam adh-Dhahabee, Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar, Ibn Al-Jawzee, Ibn Katheer, Imaam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Ibn Al-Atheer....
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Vendor: Salafi Publicationsleather bookmarks No more folding your pages...Bonded leather bookmarks. Helping students of knowledge respect their books available in 7 colours
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsMountains of Knowledge SL: 02AL1 With the aim of actualising the saying of the revered Imaam Maalik ibn Anas (died 179H), The latter part of this Ummah will not be corrected except by that which corrected its first part, this is a presentation of...
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsParables Of The Quraan SL: 02AL1 Before you O reader, are ten parables from the Qur'aan wherein our Lord and Creator, the One Alone deserving of our worship, has revealed parables by which we may be guided to His worship and servitude and warned...
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsReasons for Deviation from the Truth "From the most important things that I advise myself with and my brothers is to be firm upon the truth, to have sincerity in this to Allah, the Most High, and to feel accountable to Allah in this....
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsThe Book Of Forty Hadeeth Regarding The Madhhab Of The Salaf SL: 02AL1 This book has forty five chapters, and forty seven ahadeeth. Each hadeeth is referenced and checked for authenticity. Each chapter has a title within which is contained the fiqh of the...
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsThe Call to Allaah - Between Group Partisanship and Legislated Co-Operation SL: 02AL1 This book contains an explanation of the Muslims highest aim and lofty goal. It contains a clear explanation of important truths of the Islamic work, differentiation between the means and the...
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsThe Characteristics of The Slaves of The Merciful SL: O2AL1 Allaah has defined the characteristics of His slaves in various places throughout the Qur'aan. From the most poignant of these verses is the statement of Allaah in Sooratul-Furqaan. Allaah, the Most High, has stated,...
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsThe Etiquette of Congregational Prayer SL: 01AL1 / 02AL1 A short treatise from Shaikh Ibn 'Uthaimeen (rahimahullaah) in which he discusses the role of the Imaam and the manner he should straighten the rows and lead the prayer. It also discusses the role of...
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsThe Excellence of Supplicating to Allaah & Constantly Remembering Him SL: 02AL1 In an extract from this book, the noble Scholar, Shaikh Saalih Al- Fawzaan states: "The remembrance of Allaah, the Most Perfect and Most High, deters the Satan from a person and causes...
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsThe First Saudi State & The Story of Ad-Dir'iyyah During the mid eighteenth century in the centre of the Arabian Peninsula an eminent scholar faced his final expulsion from yet another town after its Amīr feared reprisal from hostile rulers for having granted him...
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsOne of the most talked about, hotly debated and controversial subjects of discussion amongst Muslims for a long time has been whether or not it is permitted to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him). In this short booklet,...
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsThe word ‘Christmas’ means ‘mass of Christ’ which later became shortened to ‘Christ-mass’. It was the Roman Catholic Church who spread the term among other Christian denominations and non-Christians. So where did the Catholic Church get the celebration from? It is not in the...
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsThe Religious Insurgency of the Khawarij SL: 02AL1 Ibn Taymiyyah (died 728H) stated: "The Khawarij were the first ones to declare a Muslim to be outside the fold of Islam due to his sins - rather to be precise, with what the Khawarij thought...
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Vendor: Salafi PublicationsEvery Muslim can see that the Ummah is in a state of turmoil, factionalism and tribulation. Muslims are suffering, facing oppression, being forced to flee their homes and dying in conflicts around the world. We see tens of thousands of them rising up against...
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